
We are
Here to Help

As you face the many challenges of family law and the emotional hurdles that can come with it, you deserve to have an honest and accessible advocate to walk you through the process. We’re here to guide you and are determined to protect your legal rights, your future,

and the well-being of your family. Because of our 20+ years of experience in matters of divorce, child custody, family law, and tax resolution, you can rest assured that you’ll be in good hands as we take you step-by-step through this often-challenging process.


No one wants to get a divorce, but sometimes it is necessary when your relationship with your spouse is beyond repair. Divorce is difficult but choosing the right lawyer does not have to be. Divorce is an emotionally charged situation which can lead to rash decisions which could hinder you and/or your children’s future. Our legal team understands what you are going through, and our primary goal is to ease the burden by helping you navigate the process from start to finish while keeping you informed about your case and options.

Whether your divorce is simple and uncontested, or contentious with voluminous assets, our legal team knows how to navigate, defend, and be courageous on your behalf. Our attorneys are proficient in overcoming the challenges that you may face during a divorce and will passionately fight for the best financial and custodial arrangements for you.

Our attorneys also have experience dealing with cases which involve business valuations, family trusts, hidden assets, violence, and drug and alcohol addiction. At Crawford Gentle Law, P.C., we are determined to protect your legal rights and future and will tackle these hurdles together.

Legal Separation

Legal Separation is rarely used, but sometimes is preferable to filing for a divorce. This divorce alternative allows parties to make decisions regarding the division of assets and custody without actually terminating the marriage. A separation agreement may be used by parties in situations where it is necessary to maintain health insurance, there are financial considerations at play, or religious beliefs are involved.

Asset Protection & Division

One of the most challenging tasks involved in a divorce can be asset protection and division. An asset is anything that has monetary value. Even those guns in the safe may be worth a substantial sum of money that needs to be accounted for even if it is something you do not desire to possess. In a divorce, assets are considered either marital or separate property. Marital property is any interest in something that was acquired, received, accumulated or earned during the course of the marriage. That means that something acquired prior to the marriage, and used for the benefit of the marriage, could also potentially be marital property. Separate property is an asset that you acquired prior to the marriage, or by gift or inheritance, that was never comingled or used for you and your spouse’s common benefit.

Alabama is an equitable distribution state meaning that assets and debts must be divided “fairly”, not equally. Retirement accounts, pensions, profit-sharing plans, savings plans, annuities, business interests, as well as other employment benefit plans, may be divided. When making a division, the Court will consider many factors such as the source of purchase monies or down payments, financial contributions of the parties, sweat equity or household and childcare responsibilities, misconduct of a party, as well as a spouse’s separate estate.

At Crawford Gentle Law, P.C., our attorneys have the experience to meticulously analyze all financial documents provided to determine which assets will benefit you the most. Whether you have access to all martial asset records, or are in the dark as to what you and your spouse possess, our legal team will tirelessly pursue the truth to ensure you are protected.


Unfortunately, more often than not, an ex-spouse fails to comply with the terms of the divorce decree resulting in the need to go back to Court to enforce the provisions. Enforcement actions are commonly referred to as petitions for contempt or rule nisi. Some of the most common types of contempt are the failure to pay court ordered child support, denial of visitation, and the failure to pay alimony. The Court has the power to enforce compliance by way of financial sanctions, jail time, garnishments, and the award of attorneys’ fees. 

 Before a party may be found in contempt, it must be proven that you had knowledge of the terms of the court order, you violated those terms willfully, and you had no legal basis for doing such. 

 If you are facing contempt charges, or are having difficulty getting your ex-spouse to comply, you need the knowledgeable attorneys at Crawford Gentle Law, P.C. to assure a positive outcome.

We Are Here to Guide You

We’ll help you navigate the process from start to finish while always keeping you informed about your case and your options.

“Kathryn was extremely knowledgeable, efficient but also understanding and compassionate. I know I would not have received the same service anywhere else and would recommend her to anyone seeking legal advice.”



With 20 years of experience, we have the wisdom needed to navigate and resolve even the most complex of cases,



You can rest assured knowing that we will go to bat for you and fight for what you deserve



Forthright in all communications, we will guide you through the process while ensuring you fully understand your rights