About Us
We are
a family
Facing a divorce or a high tax debt is difficult. Choosing the right attorney does not have to be. At Crawford Gentle Law, P.C., we are connected to your case, beginning to end. Tax resolution and family law are not just areas of law we handle. They are the only areas of law we handle, and we do it well. In the world of legal practice, bigger isn’t always better. Kathryn believes that it is better to know everything there is to know about tax and family law as opposed to knowing a little bit about every subject. At our law firm, you are paying for quality, personalized service, intimacy, and the guidance you need during these difficult times. Kathryn’s specialized approach ensures that each one of our clients is receiving the best service possible with a team that has extensive experience.
Since 2001

making a start
There are many benefits to working with a Boutique Law Firm, and what we lack in size, we make up for in experience. At Crawford Gentle Law, P.C. we have an increased focus on efficiency, stability, and strive to give you, our client, an individualized experience. While neither resolving a tax debt or going through a divorce are fun, Kathryn and her their staff, work as your team who have stakes in your case by putting their reputation on the line. You can rest assured that your call, email or text will not get lost in the milieu. Instead, any concerns you have will be addressed posthaste.
If you need legal representation and want a team with extensive experience, contact Crawford Gentle Law, P.C. today. You will be satisfied with the results.
You are not stuck where you are, unless you decide to be
Divorce is difficult, choosing the right attorney does not have to be
just because the past didn't turn out the way you wanted it to, doesn't mean your future can't be better than you ever imagined

“Kathryn always responds quickly to any question or development in our case. She has been very patient with her explanations of our situation. I know that she has gone above and beyond what any other lawyer would have done. I would strongly recommend and have recommended her services to many other potential clients with the same type of problems that we have.”
Questions And Answers
- Know that the attorneys and staff at Crawford Gentle Law, P.C. will return your calls, emails or text messages within a reasonable amount of time.
- Know that you will be updated on the status of your case.
- Know that we will put your children first.
- Meet one on one with your attorney to discuss what is most important to you so that your team can create a path to achieving your goals.
- Be armed with full knowledge of your options and legal rights so that you can plan confidently for your new future.
- Learn how to work through your problems so that you can be happy again.
- What to expect during the divorce process.
- How to meet your children’s needs when you are not with them all of the time.
- How to manage your money before, during and after your divorce.
- Questions you may have about conflicting advice you receive from friends and family.
- What holidays and rituals are the most important to you and what you wish to maintain after divorce.
- What assets or heirlooms are comforting to you as well as those most precious to you to keep.
- If you need a financial planner, a counselor, or an accountant.
No two cases are alike, and at Crawford Gentle Law, P.C., there is no standard plan. We will work tirelessly with you to develop a specialized plan that is unique to you and your individual needs.
Since every case is unique, the cost of each case varies. However, we send out monthly billing statements, so you always know where your money is going and how it is being spent. We provide honest opinions about your options and the cost that may be incurred. While you always make the final decisions about the paths we take to resolve your case, we will work together to choose the best path for you and your family.
- Tell me about your children?
- Have you discussed a divorce with your children?
- Are you worried about how they may react?
- Do you children have any special medical or learning needs?
- Do your children have any special talents?
- Do you want to remain in the same school district?
- Have you and your spouse had any discussions about divorce?
- What expectations do you have about your future?
- What are your priorities?
- What are your spouse’s priorities?
- What is the financial arrangement between you and your spouse?
- Do you both work?
- Do you get an allowance?
- Do you share in expenses?
- Is your spouse a good parent?
- How do you and your spouse divide tasks for your children?
- Would you like to see some parenting changes with your spouse?
- Are your children’s needs being met?
- What items in your home have sentimental value to you?
- What items in your home are you okay with giving up?
- Has there been in wrongdoing in the marriage?
- Has there been any abuse?
- What is your educational background?
- What was the last job you had?